Virtual private servers (VPS) don't differ in functionality from the physical ones.

VPS are a flexible and scalable solution suitable for any modern business:

  • As part of a large infrastructure they could be set up easily and tailored to your needs
  • They can be easily upgraded in case on your demands
  • They do not require service on your end
  • They come with a Windows Server licenses at discounted prices through our CSP affiliate program
  • 99% guaranteed up time
  • Physical security in place provided by  DATA center
  • Secure, fast and reliable Backup systems
  • Your data can be easily accessed - 24/7 through VPN encrypted tunnels

The advantages of the VPS compared to the physical servers which require a high initial investment:

  • Powerful hardware that in many cases exceeds your needs
  • Air-conditioned room
  • Uninterruptible power supply - UPS and generator
  • Backup system
  • Maintenance and service often lead to service interruptions
  • Expensive server licenses for WINDOWS OS
  • Fast depreciation and impairment